Linguan greatly simplifies localizing your Mac and iOS apps. It gives you an intelligent editor for all strings files contained in your Xcode project.
You get warned about duplicate tokens or missing translations. Then you can export and e-mail all missing tokens for a specific language to your translator, who can also use Linguan for filling in the translations or use their text editor of choice.
When you get the translators results back Linguan automatically merges the results into your project, even if the tokens originated from multiple different strings files.
You can also open the inspector window to edit strings. Here you have more space which helps when editing multi-line strings. The inspector window also provides interesting statistics about the selected files.
Linguan checks your project for missing translations and duplicate strings. A validations hap- pens right after you open a project or after invoking the validation manually (e.g. from the tool bar). Warnings are displayed in a special area on the bottom of the main window. Double click warnings to jump directly to the corresponding token.
Linguan can scan a project’s source files and adds all string tokens used in NSLocalizedString macros which are not already contained within a strings file. All newly added tokens are displayed in the message area at the bottom of the window.
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